How does my accounting work? The accounting page shows the detail of the financial transactions of your airline. The Structural Profit (SP) Before taking a closer...
How does my cash flow work? Cash flow is an important data in Airlines Manager. Like a bank statement, you can see the last transactions in Dollars...
How to borrow from banks? Banks allow you to borrow money regularly to obtain new funds to invest in your airline. Using banks is highly...
How to borrow on financial markets? Loans on financial markets are different from express loans and have no impact on them. Thus, loans on financial markets...
💻 Web Tutorial: all about express loans In Airlines Manager, you can take out loans from several banks. Through this tutorial, you will learn how to manage...
What is the Lab used for? If you have unused Research Dollars to which you’d like to give a purpose, the Lab is a simple and efficient means of...
How does the cash flow forecast work? The cash flow forecast helps you anticipate costs and enables you to have an idea about what you will earn...
Crisis management Here is some advice to help you recover your finances: Check that you apply a unique and consistent strategy on...